LOL from Edinburgh

By lol

Same Page VII

New campaign in Edinburgh University ... on the same page as you (the student)

Big push at the start of term to get students engaged in all that is potentially going on for them in and around the campuses?

Listening. Responding. Understanding. Collaborating. Having Conversations - its all there in the written form!

Must try to find them all - a bit like the Newtonmore Wildcats! This is number VII


The Student Communications team was asked to deliver an internal communications campaign with the aim of raising awareness amongst students that the University is listening to them and is responding to their feedback - with the ultimate aim being that they have the best student experience possible during their time at Edinburgh.

Campaign concept

The Same Page campaign was inspired by the desire to develop a campaign that starts a conversation between the University and its students, as well as inviting feedback. We wanted to provide a platform for honest, straightforward collaboration between the University and its students, and between students themselves.

The Same Page campaign aims to bring the University and students closer together through conversation and collaboration. It should also instil a sense of responsibility into the students, to influence and shape their time at University. This is brought to life through a series of communications that use text books as a visual device, with messages highlighted (much as a student would highlight notes while studying or revising). The text book visual is a visual metaphor for the University being on the Same Page as its students, understanding what's important to them and what will improve their University experience. This is supported by a sign off that states the University's intent - that it wants to be on the same page as its students.

Campaign delivery

Poster campaign & webpages live – w/c 16.9.13 PR activity on campus to promote Google+ Hangout – w/c 30.9.13
Google+ Hangout (question time with Sue Rigby) – 23.10.13


Outdoor - hoardings and lamp post wraps at six campuses Digital - web pages, social media, plasma screens, screen savers, html emails Print - posters

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