Cracking Conker Collection

Loving not having to go far to find these!

Spoke to the MRI nurse today as my ear pain has been getting worse again and I was a little concerned about the having to wear ear plugs part of my pre scan letter. The Americans have it sussed with an alternative of headphones or little pillows but Addenbrookes don't. They sound like the earplugs I've been given at Formula 1 gatherings (I know, & maybe should have worn!) but she said they won't make me wear them if my ears are too sore. It will be noisy though but they're hoping to only have me in there for 15 minutes or so :)

Today's blog is a getting to know you post.

Tomorrow's blip will probably be a late one, I won't have any results for you, but I'll be able to re-assure you all there is a brain in there! & thanks again for all the lovely get well wishes...getting quite boring now this poorlyness innit?! X

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