
By stellarossa

Guerilla Knitting

Just over a year ago Bundle told me about Blipfoto, I started blipping and told my sister Beewriter about it, and she started blipping, in fact she blipped so much she zoomed past me at an alarming speed with some fantastic shots.

Before Blip we talked occasionally by phone, saw each other once or twice a year, lived our separate lives. Now, though, I see what she is doing everyday, and she sees my posts, it has certainly made us much closer, and much more in tune with each other's lives.

So Beewriter arrived in Oxford last night for our niece's birthday party, and today we had a morning wandering around Oxford looking for a special blip - which proved rather elusive today (we weren't quick enough to snap the dog being towed on a bike trailer, sat proudly upright as its owner pedalled along the towpath).

Finally, I found some guerrilla knitting on railings in the Radcliffe Camera. I wonder what Beewriter will choose.....

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