lipstick palms

The final day of junior and my time together for the moment. He has spent most of it in the pool and is now thoroughly wrinkled.
The resort was quite posh a couple of decades ago and has become a tad jaded however the gardens are fabulous with pockets of unusual and rare plants including Crytostachys renda, the lipstick palm.

Had a chat with one of the gardeners and he reckons come wet season they glow the most amazing shade of scarlet and are treasured as a landscaping plant.
Also called the 'sealing wax palm' because the ' crownshafts and leaf sheaths have the same color as the wax used to seal letters close and later (from about the 16th century) envelopes.' '(Wiki)

Lipstick shades are almost as dramatic as paint colour names so now looking out for 'sealing wax'!

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