
Tonight's Entree was grilled marinated chicken breast atop a bed of lettuce, cucumber, crumbled Mediterranean feta, pickled red capsicums, avocado, walnuts, raisins, cherry tomatoes, egg, broccoli, and sprouts. All drizzled with an Asian ginger dressing. A glass of Faustino's Rioja accompanied the masterpiece.

It went down a treat.

Can't say the same for the shopping bill I had to fork over for mandated school supplies. For a second grader and a Kindergartner, I paid over $70 for folders, paper, notebooks, pencils, erasers, highlighters, post it pads, disinfectant wipes, baby wipes, paper towels, tissues, crayons, colored pencils, washable markers, construction paper (in all the colors), scissors, sandwich bags in two sizes, prizes for the teacher to hand out to the kids, antibacterial hand sanitizers, white glue, glue sticks (24!!), watercolor paints, a calculator, scotch tapes, pencil sharpeners, packs of loose-leaf paper, index cards, and activity coloring book for indoor recess.

Reminds me of a joke:

Calvin walks in the room to report to his dad that Dad's polls are down; he's not very popular. Dad turns to his kid and says, "It costs $180, 000.00 to raise a child to the age of 18. Now I ask this, Is that a gift or a loan?"

Calvin says, "Right, Dad. I'm off to bed now."

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