Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

My desk

Well, here I am. This is me... there is a decidedly large amount of lime green around my workspace! Couldn't believe it when my boss friend made me a cup of tea in a lime green mug yesterday! Decided to hang on to it for my blip as it matched the chair which was swapped yesterday with one that can go higher. (The alternate chair colour is orange.) And then, I asked for a tissue box, and was given . . . a green one!!

I am told by my colleague who sits to my right (owner of pink tissue box) it is "green" week and I must switch off my monitor as well otherwise I get a £2 fine.

I switched my monitor off. Both days.

Another good day. Still settling in. Got dropped off by Pauline and picked up by G again. :))

PS. The sharp eyed among you will note this desk is quite bare and minimalistic. I haven't taken my stuff in yet! I used to have stereo speakers but will hold off doing anything like that. No stuffed toys or pictures either. Yet.

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