
By LuvU2

Shocking Surprise

R jnr was completely at a loss of words this afternoon! C&R snr bought themselves a 1400 version of this same make and in black as well, on Saturday, and then decided to buy the 250 for R jnr. They can go on bike trips around our area together!

The delivery was arranged for today, and was kept top secret in this household since Saturday! R jnr was not to suspect anything, he must be surprised!!!

Come this morning, they received a phone call to inform them that the 1400 was a total wreck, written off in an accident on its way to the traffic offices for a certificate of fitness! What a disaster!

The owner of the 'Bike shop' drove it himself, but another bike, with a parent driving and his school child on the back, turned in front of him and caused a very serious accident! R's bike, paid in full, but fortunately not delivered and signed for yet, is completely destroyed and the driver is quite badly injured in hospital! What a disappointment! They were looking forward to doing this 'delivery thing' of today's with their child! Eisch!

Well, needless to say: R jnr was seriously surprised, he never, ever, in his wildest dreams, thought this was going to happen! He first thought it was his dad's bike, and when he saw it was quite a lot smaller than what his dad had before, he slowly realised it was his! Oh my, he just smiled and blushed, couldn't find words to express himself!

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