living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Water bead madness

I always always ALWAYS underestimate the amount of mess that messy play creates. Today it was a water bead experiment. I put water beads in a bucket of water with some tools for collecting said beads. It took about 5 seconds for a container full of water and water beads to be dumped on the floor! An extra 5 seconds after that and there were water beads ALL OVER the living room floor. *sigh* they had a terrific time but I could not relax until every dang bead was picked up and it was all put away. It pretty much always happens like that and it often takes longer to clean the mess up than the time they actually played with the materials. Still, I will continue to do it because, well, basically I don't learn!

Chickpea-ism of the day--
Me- Hiya, cutie pie!
C- You can't eat me, I'm not a pie!

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