
By CharlotteJ


For Heart Freeks September Challenge – Books

This lovely book, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte was given to my Mum by her mum in 1954, Mum very neatly wrote her name on the inside cover with the date. I am named after Charlotte Bronte and my middle name is Jane. Mum introduced me, not literally of course, to the Bronte sisters when I was about 9 and gave me this book to look after and enjoy as much as what she did.

Occasionally I pick it up a re-read it, I of course know the story!

I was listening to Classic FM today and was startled by the statics that John Suchet mentioned about adults in the UK not knowing who wrote our famous classics. According to the Independent online (I googled where John found this info just for my blip!) a third of Brits do know who wrote Great Expectations!!!!! How can people not know or have not read works by Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, Thomas Hardy and such likes?? Staggering!

Well, in other fun news, I have not done anything fun today other than test drive a car.....I like the car!

My workload is astronomical at the moment; please forgive me on slow comments. Tonight will be a quick dinner before I head out to attend another excitingvillage meeting.


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