
I'm delighted to see this repair underway on my street. I live about six houses beyond where the workmen are having a break. Every day over the course of many years I have coped with this damaged area of the sidewalk, especially where the seam was raised by the tree's roots, just inside the yellow tape at the far end. About five years ago, the seam was ground down a bit and marked with bright paint as a make-do safety measure.

The foreman at left in white pants, an Irishman, said they'd be replacing the walk not only where it's been torn up, but beyond the tree as well.

This is a rather busy walk, and now parents pushing strollers, folks walking the dog, cyclists who live in the row (such as myself), and every single pedestrian will have both a great shade-giving tree and a proper sidewalk to enjoy, instead of enduring the choice between. Before long, most will not know of the difference.

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