Selingan Island

After the briefest of overnight stays in Kota Kinabalu, we took an early flight to Sandokan and a 45 minute boat ride to Selingan Island, where turtles haul themselves up the beach nightly to lay their egss which are immediately removed to the safety of a hatchery, where they can incubate away from predators.

The island's not more than 1/2 mile long and 1/4 mile wide but, as you can see, the beach is idyllic and we spent the day snorkelling with a colourful variety of fish and marine life, before watching one of 19 turtles to lay their eggs that night and some recently hatched young ones released into the sea.

Pictures of the turtle and Mount Kinabalu from the plane at dawn are in the Borneo blipfolio file

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