Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Pull yourself together woman......

MrsDB is feigning death by flu. It's not proper flu like I get but I have to admit she's an unhappy bunny with it.

Unfortunately last night whenever my little treasure managed to get some sleep she started making farmyard noises so I had to wake her up to advise her that it was annoying me (about level 10+). This seemed to cause her a lot of grief so after several death threats I thought it best to get up before she regretted killing me.

Consequently an early start today gave me a chance to get some more spider's web shots before the hot sunshine burned them all off (joke).

The flood lights plus some flash assistance illuminated this feast of spider's silk. It made me wonder about territorial rights, do they share webs or will they fight to the death to protect their sticky capture nets? I have no idea.

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