Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

New clothes?

I brought this material in Ikea today, I am thinking new skirt, I have another pattern to try.

So last Tuesday I simply mentioned that I hadn't had a good day.

I now feel ready to share.

I discovered my Uncle was just about to go into hospital to have his kidney removed as he has cancer.

He went for tests a while ago and then all went quite. I was thinking last weekend how nice it would be to send him a real letter and planned to put time aside this weekend to settle down and write.

I had guessed and I think I was trying to delay the confirmation. Cancer took my Mum and my Grandad. Aside from my Dad and brothers, my uncle is all that remains of my family (obviously I have extended family via husband. And extended family via my aunt, but you know what I mean).

I chatted to him before he went in and all sounded good (well as good as it can be). Yesterday I found out he is in ICU as he had some trouble with the anaesthesia. But they got the cancer out of kidney but not out of liver. They are now having trouble with his heart rate and blood pressure.

I am waiting for today's up date. Why the delay? Why not simply call my Aunt? Well it's not that easy, they live in Eagar Arizona, he is in hospital in Tucson Arizona, obviously my Aunt is with him. I have no contact number. Luckily I have contact via my Aunts family through Facebook - modern technology is fab.

But never has Arizona seemed so far away.

I am waiting for my replacement marriage cert to turn up, so that 4 years later I can update my passport. At the moment we are waiting. It's been my dream to go to America to see my uncles life out there. I just hope I still have time.

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