
Mark Knight - Alright(Original Club Mix)

I suppose for the many pockets of time we wish to keep comforting us over the years, the links that bridge the in-betweens often get swept away beneath the deluge of the everyday. Appearances can be very deceiving and memories continuously change providing either false or unrealistic expectations. The moments of being idle are often forgotten.

To illustrate, people often remember the most violent parts of a Quentin Tarantino film and forget the moments of reflection; the way Tarantino can beautifully enliven a seemingly dull conversation, theoretically speaking, through screenplay or the juxtaposition of scenes to create an overall powerful picture. Not many people I talk to reflect on the slow tension building of The Bride speaking to Esteban Vihaio, the pimp who looked after Bill in his childhood days in Kill Bill Vol. 2, nor the scene about potbellies between Butch and Fabienne in Pulp Fiction.

I suppose the point I'm trying to make is that it's so surprising how we all have become the person we've become today. The culmination of all these years and moments are in constant conflict; the values with which we had in our past lives would never hold true to the ones we hold today in some cases. There are many decisions I've made in my life that I regret and am still reeling from, but many that have unexpectedly made the dreams I live today. It comes as no surprise that we all wish to turn back time at one point or more in our lives, but it also comes as no surprise that there's nothing you can do about it.

The patterns repeat themselves and I expect to make the same mistakes again. Overtime, they'll be swept away and forgotten but I only wish to learn from them sooner and let the memories serve as signposts and indications of a better life worth heading towards.... in the hopes of making a picture that's beautiful for me. That's the only person you can truly speak to, am I right?

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