
I took a really similar shot to this last week, except this time there's a random old man in there. I like him and I prefer this version.

On another subject since I hear you ask, yes, I did go to see Rush last night with jaybroek and just sitting. Whilst they both seemed to love it, I was a bit less convinced. I knew the story reasonably well (I was seven at the time that it took place in 'real life', 1976) but it was just all done with such broad brushstrokes - the swashbuckling, all-drinking, all-shagging, long-haired Englishman against the cold, calculating, distant, prim and proper German*. One of the most black-and-white films I've seen in a while. It could certainly have done with a bit more shade. Sorry, I'll correct myself there, some shade.

Music - Summat German (like Niki)

*I know he's Austrian (it somehow destroys the way the whole rivalry's set up tho' that little fact)

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