
By Houseonahill6

Mist rolling in

It's a different day from yesterday. The mist is still trying to lift and it's gone half two. The sun is there but hiding for the time being.
Yesterday evening was as lovely as the day, nice sunset and coloured sky. When I was walking back from putting the scoutcam out I spotted the pinemarten coming up the steps It was quite funny , it kept popping it's head down and then looking up to see if I was still there. I stood still watching it as he moved away. I sat on the bench as it was still warm, nice clear sky with plenty of stars and watched the pinemarten explore the garden. Saw the hedgehog later as well.
The owl was screeching and I could hear the horses moving and munching in the field. It was probably the two pictured above they seem to like the fallen leaves :)

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