
By WhiskyFoxtrot

A Way Forward

Thank you for your comments (especially that of bighill) on the Baird's legwarmers yesterday.

Monday was a very busy day because we finally (finally!!) got the go-ahead on a piece of work that's been stuck in glitches - not technical, but rather pernickety people. I had a crazy busy morning at the day job that crept well into the afternoon, then a lot of chores, then a client, then made dinner, then watched the penultimate episode of Breaking Bad, then sleep.

I'm back blipping on Tuesday morning. Today at the day job we have visitors who invited themselves back back in February and have created a lot of work since. After they leave, back to getting something done on the big project. I've chosen this shot because even though it's busy, it's feels like the way ahead is clear. I know there will be problems. I know I'm going to be cross or despair at some of the media, but at least we've now started the journey.

Smooth sailing - for now at least. Prepare for the worst but expect the best.

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