West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Early Morning Light

it was a funny sort of morning, a strange warmth hung in the air as walked drawn to my mistress, her power and beauty irresistible as she meandered through the city. This was not the shot I had in mind but when I saw the stillness of our river it was too good an opportunity to miss not even a ripple to disturb the mirror like quality of the water.

I was alone with my thoughts, a nagging soreness in my head that had settled for the day accompanied me as I ambled along, the seagulls raucous in their shouts as they swooped and dived in search of breakfast. I shot this scene continually until I got a shot I thought I was happy with, , I shoot the river for my friend, a longing satisfied, if only for a moment to see the many faces of our river. A little different to a lot of the river shots but still none the less a striking sight, the new and the old sitting cheek by jowl but both casting their image on the water to show off their beauty for me today.

I loved the stillness of our river, the contrasting reflections and colours bringing their unique quality to the viewer, the shapes of the old contrasting with the lines of the new setting the riverside in a beautiful way not seen in daylight when they seem at odds with one another.

I hope you like the shot, the colours and reflections, best in large I suspect.

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