Ladies You're Damn Right...

So Beloved had a day off today, It's always nice to have a day to recover when you've had an overnighter with the Scouts.

But it's okay, I didn't let him recover too much. Instead of the wee beep beep alarm clock which I know he sleeps through, I managed to set the alarm to play Arctic Monkeys singing Love machine. Christ, I'm still shaking from the shock of it.

While I staggered off to work, he went for a walk, in preparation of the next weekend with Scouts - an outing up a hill, (his favourite place). When he came home, he recovered by watching some bumf on the tv.

Next job on the list.... Hacking the garden to bits. When a man turns up at your door, and says "I think your Conifers need triming", and said conifers, are behind house, not visible (Or so I thought) from the front, you know you need to do something.

So, where, when I left, there were two conifers of over 12 ft high, and 10 foot wide, we now have lots more space at the bottom of the garden. Poor Beloved is exhausted.

And just when I thought I couldn't love him any more, he went out and got a hair cut too. He is horrified. I am delighted... There's nothing I like more than a skoosh hair cut.

Tonight, I shall be doing very little other than running my fingers thru what's left :-)

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