Windy day...

The summer is gone?

It really seems it was the last summer day yesterday as we had the birdhday and pancake party outdoors in the garden. Thanks a lot for your kind comments again! My husband is a bery good pankake cook, he maybe might come to your party if you nicely ask him...

We are waiting for the firs snowflakes soon, they told in weather forecast! And the weather really has changed upside down during one night, so I am so happy that we had all the garden agganged after the party - there is no cushions etc left, 'cause there has been windy and cool rain all day today. I took a priviledge to take a shot walk in the morning before I got to the work. Dandruff really flew away in tis wind by the lake.

I have a sore throat. Maybe tea made of marigold, honey and a fleece blanket & sofa would help?

Hope you like my stormy lake - and maybe you can even smell the cool, fresh, sweet moisture wind...

Have a nice week,

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