
By Raestelle

"The Nun's Picnic"...

...We had a nice picnic lunch down by the riverside today...it was A Very Windy Day, and you know what they say about Horses and Children on windy days..yes, it's true you know, my Mum always told me that..and her Mum told her that, so it must be true....

...And yes, it's been just one of those days, especially after going to the Wave Centre for a swim where our youngest, Teigan (7) had such a wonderful time amongst the many children on school holidays as well as the local children.swimming in the beautiful Wave Centre here...

..Somebody wore herself out so much it was just time to go home again, the north wind was still blowing and so we took a different route along the river to come home, but, as we drove along, we saw this group of Missionaries of Charity (Mother Teresa's order from here) sitting at the one of the tables having their picnic lunch as well, in the shelter of the trees along the river there, they looked so sweet sitting peacefully eating their lunch together..

...And so I thought this pic was my pic of the day, and upon arriving home, after a shower and a hair wash, dinner and a read from 'Milly Molly Mandy' - it shall be Bed for Miss Teigan after a busy day out and tomorrow will be another day...yes, we may go interstate again, there's just so much to see and do..and we haven't even visited our Italian friend Caterina yet..but that's certainly on our Agenda...

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