Off to the land of Winch this morning. Pretty conveniently Dad was driving to Bournemouth so he gave me a lift to Winch on the way. As soon as I got out of the car I was walking behind a man dressed in corduroy and tweed, good old Winchester.

Went to D's house whilst she got ready then we headed to town for a coffee. Then I met up with Lyds (briefly seeing Hannah on the way) and we went for another coffee/lunch and then went round the charity shops. It's never good going charity shopping with Lyds as she can wear anything and make it cool so she ends up buying loads. I met D again after and we popped into the only charity shop I hadn't been in on the way back to her house. We ended up spending so long in there trying on various things - I bought a coat. I spent the evening watching a bit too much New Girl.

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