Kirkcaldy Rugby Festival...
It was up early this morning (quite hard after the morning after the night before) to head over to Kirkcaldy for Ewan's rugby. Kirkcaldy Rugby club were holding a wee get together for juniors from across the country. We saw Kinross and Dundee teams at the very least.
He seemed to quite enjoy it, getting kitted out in team colours and playing tig in the bigger groups. His team however hadn't really played touch rugby at practice so I think that and a combination of his late night, kinda flumouxed him and he didn't want to play the rest of it after his first taste. Once we got him home and he'd kinda forgotten about it, he said he enjoyed it.
Later on Bethany and her friend decided they were going to start a business. Part of this business plan, which I don't fully understand, was to build a website. I helped them with that but take no claim in the colour scheme.
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