Time V Distance

The rain was coming down in stair-rods when we got up, but had cleared by mid-morning. So we went for a wee turn round the bottom of the island.

Our first attempt at a coffee was not very successful.
The place claimed to open at midday, but it was obviously midday ….. ish (that “ish” seems to be quite popular round here) because although we hung around in the sun (yes …… there was real sun) and watched the seals watching us for quite a time, nobody came to offer us coffee.

So we moved on.

Stops were made at such random places as --- 1) a boat builder who seemed to be half way up a hill and building something akin to a new ark – he wasn’t as it turns out it just felt and looked like he was up a hill (not convinced it would not turn out a second ark though) 2) A shell of a building which had obviously been quite a large and well build house (not the usual discarded croft) which now had trees through the windows and a roof in the downstairs rooms . There was a repairers/builders van outside it but it was obviously too big a job for him because the van was in the same sort of state as the house which we all found quite amusing. 3) an excellent example of peat cutting where it was all laid out in the real world as opposed to watching it on a film (as we had done at the Black House Museum) …… there was the bog, the cut channels, the turfs in the channels to act as the ‘starter’ for the next bog, the cut peats lying drying, the piles of 5 peats cut and stacked in the old local manner for the next stage of drying and then the small stacks waiting to be taken and stored for use.

We came across an old church which had been converted into a workshop and studio/gallery by a photographer and ceramics artist husband and wife team. We didn’t meet her but her photographs were absolutely amazing – all black and white (very high contrast) and printed beautifully – but we did spend quite some time with him. What a super friendly and laid back guy he was…………which is more than could be said for the lad in the next place we stopped. I don’t think he said a word as we looked through the paintings and discussed the work. I am sure the two women whose work he was meant to have been selling would not be too chuffed.

We also met the smallest postmistress in the world who it turns out knows the owner of our cottage and does the cleaning between lets. A bit spooky because the post office is miles from the house and she stays in community that was our next stop (where we knew we could get coffee (and a fantastic bowl of homemade soup and chunk of freshly made bread as it turns out).

It was at this howf (The Temple Café) that we were told we “had” to take a walk to the old ruined “temple” above the beach. I asked where and was given directions and told we would definitely see eagles and it was 10 minutes.

She lied!

I am sure she needs to be told the difference between a minute and a mile!!!!!

The ruin never did get a visit (it isn’t as far as I make out – but it was a damned site further than she did) and there were no eagles to be seen but I am pretty sure I saw an otter (it turns out there have been a couple of sightings are there were paw prints in the same area the day before) and there were some glorious beaches and photo opportunities.
In fact, I think the vast majority of pictures taken during the day were of beaches and waves.

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