Northern Ballet
I took a bit of a detour on my way to buy an iron and ironing board, to test my routes to the dance classes I'm hoping to attend. This is Northern Ballet- woohoo!! I'm a little bit excited. I wandered in to pick up a class brochure and registration form and put my name down for this Wenesday's Improvers ballet. I might end up going to the Intermediate/Advanced class but being somewhat out of practise I wanted to start slow.
Today's discoveries:
The longer I spend here the more I discover just how conveniently located I am in Leeds. It turns out that The Dance Studio Leeds (which I have earmarket for tap and jazz) is on my walk to St James's Hospital, which itself is only about 20 minutes away. Northern Ballet isn't much further and is right beside Yorkshire Dance. The Pure Gym I'm thinking of joining because it's offering a cheap introductory price is practically on my route to Leeds General Infirmary. Feels like fate :P
It is not a good idea to turn an iron upside-down.
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