The Old Chain Brig

Well it has been another tiring day not back into bed until 2am woken up earlier than I had hoped I knew it would be a long one with a shortage of driver coverage at work at the moment due to the fact were not working our rest days until certain matters are resolved I was doing a two man diagram again so I slouched around the house feeling totally lethargic and crossed the road to buy a steak bridie from Stephen's the bakers who recently one bakers of the year in Scotland 2013 and there bridies are superb so I ate that done some more slouching then got ready for work I headed into Edinburgh then off to St James shopping centre as the sports shorts I was after in the JD store there was the only store that had the last pair that I wanted so they fitted fine and came away feeling a little better then purchased my costa coffee and headed into the station so it was off to Aberdeen although I was going to delay the train as when it was arriving into platform 19 I noticed a couple of guys drinking at the far end of the platform one of them was sitting with his legs dangling over the platform so I shouted for him to get up and reluctantly he did and got on my train I wish I had more time as I really wanted the guy off my train as a way of punishing him but alas there was no time or the will from the powers that be to remove him from the train so anyway the trip was rather uneventful as usual although passing Burntisland a group of Grey Seals it reminded me of seeing all the California Seals basking on the wooden pontoons at pier 39 at Fishermans Wharf enjoying there we haven in the Pacific and feeling as tired I wished I was in a haven myself right now but alas it was back to reality and work so on arriving at Aberdeen I quickly rushed out the station to catch my blip for the night well earlier today I won just over £7.00 on the euro millions then as I crossed the road as I chatted on the phone with my mother I noticed a £20.00 note lying on the darkend pavement woohoo bonus no one was around so I guess it was my lucky day so I took a few shots of the bridge and went back to the station for my return journey to Edinburgh and drive home for some sleep but It will be an early rise again as I'm early shifts next week so can't sleep to long sunday morning as I will be in bed early sunday night oh well that's it for today so movie for the day is" The Brig 1964".
This bridge is The Wellington Suspension Bridge built in 1829-31 known locally as the Chain Brig and was the second bridge to be built over the Dee in Aberdeen at a cost of £10.000 to replace the Craiglug Ferry and designed by Captain Samuel Brown R.N. (1776-1852)

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