Through the leaves

Nice larger.

Today was a funny weather day; sun one minute, a down-pour of rain the next. The clouds were impressive, covering the sky with layers of dark ominous masses and white feathery sections. As I drove down the road in brilliant sunshine I watched the dark line of clouds move across the pavement bringing a figurative wall of rain with it. That's always so surreal to drive into...

When I sat down to lunch I needed the light over the table to be on, then midway through the sun was so bright I wanted to pull the curtains... Until I saw what that light was doing through the leaves. This is the 'corner' of our lake, seen through some still green leaves in the foreground across the water to some that are turning fall colors. At this moment over lunch, the sun really displayed that color well. I'm glad I didn't pull the curtains on this!

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