This is the only picture I managed to take today. We had to go into Plymouth, so that took the morning out, then after lunch I printed out a few cards. After that, I put a few mealworms and some laurel berries out and set up the camera in the back porch to see what came along. After a couple of minutes, this young blackbird - one of this year's fledglings - landed, stayed for about three seconds and then disappeared and that was it. Nothing else appeared, so this is my shot for today.
Weather has been grey, cloudy and drizzly, but extremely warm. Hope you managed to get a bit of sunshine wherever you are. Hopefully, there will be a bit more sunshine tomorrow.
- 2
- 0
- Canon EOS 5D Mark III
- 1/50
- f/13.0
- 400mm
- 400
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