Hot Hot Hot

Today we went to Scotland's first chilli festival at Scone Palace. Bit of a strange event but we managed to get our money's worth. Even if the Embalmer cauterised my entire mouth. Fellow Blipper Shona was talked into it and I couldn't be the only adult not to try it.
There was a chilli eating competition, complete with hardcore chillies. I have never seen something so masochistic- just sair. The spectators were rife with tales of how such and such has lined his stomach with pints of cider and 3 bananas and one competitor was clearly pished- at 3 pm! Carole Baxter (Beechgrove Garden) entered but was a proper lightweight. A stoic skinny lady called Linda won, I went looking for her after to try and blip her but she was nowhere to be seen. Probably at A&E!
Floss took Betty to the Fair Maids House as part of Perth Open Doors, which had a cool digital globe apparently.
We've scoffed pizza for tea, bathed the kids (Nelly was outstandingly grubby) and played cards. Now the kids are asleep and we're contemplating a chilli condimented cheeseboard. Good times.

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