Oh Chorlton

Oh Chorlton, I do love you with your random sun filled Saturdays. Hipsters and vegetarians taking a stroll with their off beat haircuts and beards; copies of the Guardian peeking out. Retro cars and basket-fronted bikes cruising down Beech Road. Hot dogs at the Barbakan, Farmer's Markets brimming with carrot cake and houmous, cafes spilling out onto the roads, parks full of buggies and precious offspring called Beatrice or Raffy. It's such a charming little Manchester suburb and quite one on its own. I've become so fond of it these past three years.

Was hungover today after last night's boozing antics. Am such a lightweight these days. Thankfully Audrey gave us a lie-in and then we all piled in the car up to Saddleworth for brekkie with my sister Laura and her husband James. Wish they lived closer as it would be nice to do stuff like that more often.

Home for a nap en famille. Angus left for work and Audrey and I hit the streets of Chorlton to buy some food for dinner. Just had the tastiest leek soup (thank you veggie emporium Unicorn - see pic). My Mum's recipe, always an Autumn fave. Let's see what Audrey makes of it for lunch tomorrow.

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