
By Mistert1ckle

Cousins K & N

After a bad nights sleep when L was in our bed from early o'clock and bed hopped throughout the night we all got up just after 8am which is a lie in in our house. L had a wee fever last night but looked better this morning.

My legs were a little sore this morning after playing 5 aside football last night. I hadn't played for almost 2 years after a bad back injury.

I was in the gym last night and got a shout through to the main hall as they were one short.

L and I visited Gran this morning.

Today after lunch we visited granny and grandad where uncle K and cousins N and K were there and all had a great time playing whilst MrsT went out for a walk and I helped Grandad with some IT tasks.

After this we dropped by the shops and got takeaway Nandos for dinner. Mmmmmm!

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