
I spent today with my Mum. She took the day off work because I had my final Hib/Men C immunisation this morning and she was worried that I wouldn't be well afterwards. In fact, I hardly cried at all, just a little bit once I realised I had been jabbed in the leg. Then I put my petted lip on to show the nurse that I wasn't happy with her. After me smiling and saying hiya when we went in too. Luckily, Mum had brought Iggle Piggle for me to cuddle. We pressed his tummy to here him giggle, and that made me laugh too.

This afternoon, Mum took me to Palacerigg Country Park. They have lots of animals there. We saw goats, sheep, hens, a donkey, a Shetland Pony, something called a Zebu which is a kind of cow, a pig, rabbits, lots of ducks and even a black swan. Then I had a go on the swings and played music on some giant chimes they have in the swing park. It was still nice when Dad came home so we walked up to the pond. The swan and moor hen families are still there, but there's still only one duck - I wonder where the rest have gone?

Last night I wouldn't go to sleep for Dad. I cried really hard and kept pointing at the door to let him know I wanted Mum. He's going to try again tonight, so maybe I'll cut him some slack. The problem is he doesn't have long enough hair.

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