
After yesterday's excitement we had a more relaxing day today, well apart from chopping up a lot of that huge branch that came down last week. Alas it is not very stable so I cannot chop it all up, it'll have to wait for the proper tree people. I need some chainsaw trousers and new safety boots, I'll be able to pretend I am a proper lumberjack then ;) All the gear and no idea!

I then went to the Linton electrical shop to get some bits to make some speaker cables for the PA, alas no flipping 1/4 inch jack plugs. Try and shop local eh.

Then a late trip into Cambridge, Alf and I went to Millers/Ken Stevens where Alf had a go on a drumkit, he's never played drums before... Took to it like a duck to water, the shop manager pronounced he was the new Dave Grohl.

Finally a little more macro, this little beast was on a pile of woodchippings moving very quickly, I got quite dizzy looking at him through the camera trying to focus on the little blighter!


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