Red Roses

Alison went home this morning and while Alan took her to the station, I tidied the house and was ready to go out when he got back. We went into town, had a wander around the shops, and bought some traditional Macarons from a French patisserie. Alan also bought me this beautiful bouquet of red roses - we don't buy gifts for our anniversary, but he has a tradition where he buys me one red rose for each year that we've been married.

Our anniversary was on Wednesday, but as Alison was here I told him to wait until the weekend to get the flowers, and we'll celebrate tonight with the macarons, and a lovely bottle of rosé champagne that I bought from Fortnum & Mason yesterday, with money that mum sent us. I also bought some champagne truffles from the Belgian chocolate shop Neuhaus which is at St Pancras station, but I think we'll have to save those for another night.

While we were in town I found lots more great street art, including one that looks like another Banksy, but I can't find any reference to it. However, the street art will still be there when the roses have died, so these had to be my blip today.

Anyway, I'll go and open the champagne - hope you're having a great weekend, cheers!

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