John and Sarah

John and Sarah visited Barcelona for the first time this week after many good intentions over the years were frustrated for one reason or another. John and I studied law together at Edinburgh and were hill walking buddies too, taking turns to drive north or west to our departure points. On the days we used his MG we arrived somewhat quicker than when we used my Deux Cheveux!

It was great to catch up (we last met 3 years ago), and John was surprised to be reacquainted with his sturdy, pine kitchen table which he sold me for 50 quid in 1986, and which still serves in our morning room upstairs; I do most of my coaching sessions sitting at it.

So a cava aperitif on our patio set us up for a light dinner at Monchos before a pleasant walk down Diagonal and Rambla de Catalunya to point them in the right direction of their hotel. Hasta pronto!

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