Poor Little Turtle.......

........ covered in barnacles.

The baby polar bear came out on exhibit today, and I missed him twice! Some people were incredibly patient, one lady sat there nearly all day, and she was as pleased as punch when she finally managed to get photos of him.

They've called him Henry, after Henry Hudson, who founded Hudson Bay in Canada.

I'm a bit disappointed in the name, as I just don't think it suits a polar bear. They didn't have a competition as they've done in the past, even the park staff weren't asked, so not sure who chose the name.

And as his mother was born in Russia, I don't know why they couldn't have given him a Russian name. Anyway, it's decided now so Henry it is, or maybe I'll call him Harry.

The turtle is in our quarantine area, because he probably can't swim very well because of all the barnacles. I noticed he'd managed to get himself onto a ledge for a little rest.

We'll let him go when he's better.

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