Gifts of Grace

By grace


Action shot - not my speciality. This is the site of development , desecration? Nope just CHANGE.

At first it troubled me because it is just inches away from my sit spot, the burn running along the lower edge of this photo has been the source of many of my favourite blips.. What I thought might be a water's edge car park, now seems to be a land reclamation project that has already changed the entire landscape and habitat. My conditioned reaction was to baulk at the scale of the disruption. This is just one of many lorry loads of enormous rocks. The air is dense with the sound of heavy machinery.

But today I have been singing, channeling Bella. I knew I would. Who could resist such an invitation? The first thing I saw when I stepped out the door was yellow autumn yeaves underfoot. I sang to them quietly, there was no-one in earshot. Then I sang to everyone and everything I saw, quietly, sometimes under my breath.

I often hum when I'm trying to concentrate. It's a way of separating myself from the environment, holding focus. The singing that arose today was different, connecting, relating, celebrating everything. I had a blast, a lot of fun and interesting interactions.

I sang loudly for the whoosh and tumble of this avalanche of rocks, I sang for the birds adapting to this shifting world, I sang for the workmen frowning at me as I photographed the scene.

I cannot now imagine that I will ever stop singing, and dancing. I might forget now and then but this will not leave me. We sing our worlds into being. Hallelujah. Blessed be. Blessed babe.

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