Bygone Romance....
Being very preoccupied with editing back blips I nearly forgot about today!
As we are still officially on holiday we went out for a romantic meal tonight and I took the camera in hope of a blip. As we drove through the country roads what do we get behind but this little beauty!
I love old things like this and so G got a bit closer so I could get a few snaps for blip. There were so many people itching to overtake this vehicle and do it on blind bends and generally put everybody at risk......What's the rush people? Yes some people may need to be somewhere urgently but there is no patience any more and its quite disturbing what people are willing to risk!
Anyway it cried out for processing so this is it.
It was lovely to see and we stayed behind it all the way to our pub ;-)
After our meal we then watched the new Furious 6 film...with the Sexiest man alive...apart from my G who looks remarkably like Vin Diesel! And who you might have guessed by now is why my gorgeous dog is called Diesel! ;-)
TTFN Blip lovelies
Draco The Diesel Dragon x
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