
By Orthodox

It's a wonderful (small) world

An old friend, a guitar, a glass of whisky, great meaningfull light, ... music, ... memories ... a relaxing feeling that I haven't had in a long time. A good time with no real purpose, no pressure, no deep meaning just feeling good. Loved it, have to keep doing it.  

I started this blip during the show, just to be sure I get to capture the feeling in words. I am following in the bus, acompanied by surprisingly good and old  music. The show offered me a feeling I have not had in a long time. Being completely disconected from all the "serious" things in life, not having to do anything, not being expected to learn, to do, to remember and not even having to understand anything. It's a surprising and wonderful feeling after a long time of responsability.

I went to the show invited by an old friend, a very gifted guitar player. I knew I would enjoy his music no matter the rest of the show. I also had faith that the show would be at least interesting if he got involved in it. The name of the actor performing along with him sounded a bit familiar, I had no idea why but it sounded familiar. And there was also a director mentioned, so it has to be a little more than just an actor and a guitar since there is a director involved ...

Well ... it was! I don't know if I have ever seen such a pleasant and well designed relaxed atmosphere involving the stage and the audience together. I could tell you more but it would spoil a lot of fun for those planning to see it. But the most fascinating feature of the show was the light. I felt it like a full character, with its own clear and not at all minor part. Such beautiful games of shadow and glow... it sounds like a cliche but the words are really not enough ... the picture is better than the words but still far from the whole magic of it. Maybe you notice less talk about the text and the actor, it is in no way a reflection of the quality! The text was both interesting and really well played but I think that after a summer of trainings my brain had had enough of words and decided to enjoy the feeling rather than process the words.  

I stayed to have a word with all the people involved and to congratulate each one of them personally. After some time and some whisky I discovered why, the name of the actor was so familiar. I kwew things about him as he knew things about me, years ago when our parents were work colleagues and when I was still in high school and he was preparing to be an actor ... The world is small indeed.  

I will probably be thirsty in the morning, but it was a really wonderful evening.

Regarding the foto for the blip ... After a few days of nothing interesting to capture, today started with some beautiful clouds spoiled by the rays of the morning sun, and the short walk to the theatre offered me a lot of buildings carresesd by the gentle evening sun of an early autum. The guitar player won by far but I find it interesting that the whole day was about light and shadow

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