Oh My Gourd!

Soon landed back in reality when we got back yesterday to find that rain was still leaking into the kitchen roof, despite the work we'd had done before we went away that would "definitely solve the problem", and that the trip switch had gone on the electrics meaning that our freezers had both defrosted, leaving all the food ruined.

The weather was decidedly nippy too with these gourds in the local florists adding to the Autumnal feel.

Worse still was the rudeness of the bus driver yesterday morning to some American tourists who, no doubt jet-lagged after a long night flight and thrown by his strange accent which I found difficult to decipher, asked him to repeat his question. His patronising and exaggeratedly slow " I - said - 'Where - are - you- going?' wanted to make me turn right around and go straight back to Borneo (having first given him a slap) where we'd met nothing but smiling, friendly people who went out of their way to ensure you enjoyed our visit to their country

The heat and humidity of Kuching seemed a long way away.

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