Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Hibiscus Macro

I took numerous shots on Saturday looking for just the right blip. I have taken numerous macro blips as of late and was determined to shoot something else. However, it was not meant to be.

I was in charge of grilling dinner for the kids and as I threw the hotdogs on the grill, I saw this hibiscus. I love the bright ping and orange, and more importantly, the light was just perfect to throw the shadow. The combination of the the fine details of the flower and the dark shadow in the background immediately caught my attention.

I took numerous versions of this shot all hand held and liked this one best because of the sharpness and perspective. Unfortunately, in all my blip excitement, I burned the hot dogs. Sssshhhhh, please don't tell the Mrs. She would not be happy to know that the weiners were slightly charred because I was blipping! :-)

Post processing:
Slight saturation tweak in DPP

COnstructive criticism always welcome

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