Porth Reservoir

Best laid plans and all that.............................

This afternoon we had a plan - the plan was - go to Porth Reservoir and walk around it.

We've never been to Porth Reservoir and it looked lovely but just as we were parking the car we spotted a sign that said:


Ann went into 'rant mode'. She said it was a lovely place for a dog walk and she couldn't understand why gorgeous little collie's like me weren't allowed.

So Ann devised a very clever cunning plan. Normally I'm the one who has very clever cunning plans!

She said, 'Molly I'm going to leave the drivers door open and the boot open and then I'm going to pretend that I'm doing stuff in the car. Then I'm going to quietly say one, two, three, BLIP, and I need you to jump out of the boot, quickly run in front of the car and sit down so that I can hide behind the drivers door and blip you. And then when I say BLIP again you need to quickly jump back into the boot.'

I managed all of that really well and Ann was really pleased with me.

Unfortunately the whole process was witnessed by a load of grumpy fishermen who were giving Ann the 'evils'.

Oh well, I guess everyone can't like us. And sorry BLIPPERS - I know this isn't a very good blip the reservoir really is very pretty but it's the only photo Ann managed to take.

Then off we went to Watergate Bay where I spent a fantastic hour playing with my new black & white bouncy ball and wallowing in rock pools in the glorious sunshine.

To see Phillack - Cornish P83 - Look here.

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