One click at a time

By KeithKnight

September Challenge - Pool/Sand or Stone

Day 15 of DDW's September daily challenge - Pool and a dip into HeartFreek's challenge - Sand or Stone.

Today was the first day of two of sightseeing and showing my son a few bits of Europe to widen his horizons a little. He didn't want to go to any of the main cultural museums, but he wanted to see the Maritime and Science museums in Amsterdam, but didn't check the actual locations, so we headed to the Museums area (at least there was free parking on a Sunday there).

In front of the Rijksmuseum which has just fully reopened after a major refurbishment is this pool where on a warmer day you will find children playing, behind is the refurbished stonework of the Rijksmuseum.

It turned out that his choice were the 2 museums that weren't in that part of town, and in fact we had seen the Maritime museum on last years visit for the Dutch is Scheepvaartmuseum - nothing to do with wool producers breaking wind!

We then headed to Brugge for the night.

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