
By PeterAllsop

The Life of Brad

".. he's not the messiah.. he's a naughty naughty boy.." Life of Brian (1979)

Oh to be 27 again... on my daily beach sojourn, I was lucky enought to meet Brad, he was thinking of kite surfing because of the high winds.
He was the happiest of persons, carefree, smart and engaging. Photogenic and charismatic... I took a lot of better shots than this and had finished shooting photos and was just chatting to him, when he took his wetsuit off to reveal the bodhi tree tattoo he got in Nepal last month, as he laughed and told his dad - John to the right of camera the story of the tattoo, I got this final shot.. Brad is off to India next week and rattled off another 10 places he plans to visit.. think I won't be seeing Brad around here for a while...

"always look on the bright side of life.."


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