The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM


Champagne tasting.
Well someone had to do it and Ally was driving. After the 5th glass, it all tasted pretty sparkly to me. My big A loves this particular champagne and I think I do too, if I could only remember........
We left with the van considerably heavier and our wallets a bit lighter.
It will be a good party though ;-)

Our next stop took the smile off our faces. Big A had told us of a place at which he has often rested, when on his cycling trips. Marfaux British war grave cemetery. It was so peaceful that we spent quite a while with them, the boys of the "Great war". It wasn't.
As we were driving away, we stopped again as in the next field, I saw iron crosses. We got out again and saw to our amazement hundreds of German war graves. This time 4 graves around each iron cross. The huge numbers there beggar belief and these sites are repeated hundreds of times around France.

Very sobering, but touching.

A wonderful day.

Thanks lads, for all of it.

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