
By EmilyRose7

It's only a trial separation

Finally feeling a bit better. Slowly but surely I am be able to rejoin society and be able to act like a normal social human being once again. Still trying to take it slow in hopes not to relapse or make it worse, because even with the flu gone, the heat is kind of taking us all down. My friends and I are remembering again how much the heat really can just drain your energy all the time.

Today was my "friday," the beginning of my weekend and it couldn't have come fast enough. Arabic and I had our disagreements throughout the week here and there I was hoping we would stop fighting and be friends again by today, but it there me a curve ball this morning and currently we are still not speaking to one another! I won't air my dirty laundry completely but let just say I had my weekly test this morning and everything I was told to study (and I did very hard!) was not on the test and everything I was told not to worry about (so I didn't study!) was almost the entire exam! Getting a bit frustrated!

I know I'm gonna have my good days and bad days as well as my good weeks and bad weeks regarding Arabic, but I'm starting to feel like my class often gets taken over by people's natural desire to need to know the WHOLE and not the PART. However, in Arabic, it's impossible to learn the WHOLE of anything at once or even within a 5 year period because that is the depth of the complexity of everything that is Arabic. Yet, people interrupt the lessons, make it more confusing, frustrate one another, and hold up the real lesson to try to understand tiny details NOW that won't be comprehended and really can't be for another few years of study.

I really like my classmates (10 total including me) and my two professors. My professors...Professor Reham and Professor Salam (both women) are wonderful, sweet, funny and pretty charming. Its a great class, but I'm feeling frustrated with the inconsistency and sometimes lack of communication that then causes me to feel like I'm not learning as much as I could be or that I'm not able to be as successful in Arabic right now as I could be.

I guess this is where that whole Peace Corps motto of, "make your own service," has to kick in and I need to figure out exactly what my goals are and then find a way to make that happen. Yay for that part.

Anyways, after bombing my exam, feeling sick for what seems like forever and my roommate Kendra's super expensive headphones breaking out of nowhere...Kendra and I decided that today just sucks. So we grabbed a taxi and did some shopping at the total "Western People" mall, got some goodies, watched a movie and painted are nails pretty colors at home. Definitely helped a bit. Feeling a bit better. Excited to sleep in tomorrow. Arabic is sleeping on the couch tonight...I need some more time to cool off. Planning to get some good rest tonight, enjoy not having my alarm go off at 645am and try to work things out with Arabic in the morning. I'm will to work things out.

No need for a divorce, Arabic and I, but some time apart for tonight and some good communication and honesty tomorrow I think should heal the wounds.

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