red squirrel tales

By mmac


I keep going on about it but I do feel really cared for.
This is a collection of pressies received today. Today the Warped ladies shone. A card from fellow alumni Cat and Lyn and a visit with all the other goodies from The Boss. Despite the Bird comparison from the girls I am hoping my leg is not the colour of this bird-if it takes on a gangrenous tinge I'll be back off to hospital. As for the red feathers....well I have noticed a couple....I'm sure its fine though eh?
As for the retro penguin bag (The Boss know my penchants) The last time I saw elephantitis of the testes this (look closely) bad was when we had to draw all sorts of diseased parts in jars in The Royal College of Surgeons as part of first year art college drawing course with the aforementioned ladies. No wonder we're Warped. Ah the memories.
Shepherds pie work leftovers delivered from Kirsty (for tomorrow) and pizza (tonight) with the Weavers means the remaining Coq au Vin is in the freezer to feast on next week. Nice.
I am soooo spoiled. I had better not get used to it!

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