Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Another collection....

I've always liked beer glasses, the content has never been a real issue. Over the years marketeers have latched onto tradition, memorabilia and brand loyalty and often produced some startling very collectable designs. I've acquired quite a few in 30 years, begged, bribed, bought and borrowed.

One I'm particularly fond of is this one from Plauen in old East Germany. I visited there not long after the Wall came down - it was on the outskirts of the town - and this was about the only touristy artefact I could find. I did manage to buy MrsDB a red plastic shopping bag with great big poppies on it. I can't believe she lost it :O

I added to my beer glass collection as recently as last week with a Tennent's Lager glass from Inverness, suitably overprinted with 'Inverness' things, landmarks and nicknames and the like. Very collectable. I sort of bought mine.

The photograph wasn't easy due to the curved surface so to disguise my lack of photographic skills I've tweaked it a bit with sharpen and shadow tools and added some contrast to give it a 'posterized' look and dropped it onto a black background.

Best not viewed large :)))

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