best laid pipes
Guess what's going to be put up where the brewery used to be? I expect I could find out online somewhere but from the large amount of raw sewerage waiting to be installed I would expect it to be some kind of residential development. Let's just hope they anticipate the potential strain which will be placed on the local infrastructure. Especially if they're building executive luxury fashion-homes aimed squarely at rich people who insist on driving everywhere. Christ knows where they're going to shop when the nearest supermarkets are a safeway, lidl and asda.
New desk isn't too bad although there's a bit more offputting chatter. At least I'm now round the corner from a bloke from another department who would occasionally put me in a bad mood in the morning by yakking unfunnily and spoiling the lovely peace and quiet of the half-empty office. Hopefully tomorrow there will be disruption from people who think their workstation is broken and don't check for simple things such as disconnected mice and network cables before ringing the poor techybloke who has to then plug in the cable without losing his temper.
Now that Lost has disappeared for the next eight months I'm debating whether or not to replace it with anything. I could always watch the whole lot again. I'm wary about potentially wasting power, bandwidth, disk space and retina-time downloading and watching things other people recommend as they are often the same people who watch ITV, follow Big Brother or who liked the new Doctor Who. I gave up 24 after the first two series but could always pop back and give it another try. The mini-pilot of Galactica was intriguing enough if a little heavy on the look-at-us-we've-done-fake-shakycam-style-docu-CGI-like-at-the-end-of-Clones. Lots of people have been ensnared by Heroes. I think I'll rearrange all the wires first and reconnect the amp so that whatever I do watch (and indeed anything which tells the computer to make a sound) can be heard properly through nice bigspeaks rather than earphones or the little tinny rubbish monitor-speakers.
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