The Pevensie Dilemma

By PevensieDilemma

Quality O'clock

It's been a fairly well rounded Wednesday.

Speaking of well rounded, I just polished off some late night Peruvian food with a friend from work.

We're in London to do a bit of training.

I snapped another sunset shot from my speeding train. The rays were quite lovely so I wasn't about to miss a great photo opportunity!

I had another great opportunity today which was to spend some quality time with my colleague.

We live in different parts of the country and haven't travelled together before, however, we both happened to be in Edinburgh working on something else at the start of the week and so we were able to journey to London together.

We joked around in advance that four and a half hours was quite a long time to sit still and chat.

We even had a selection of technological gadgets at our disposal to potentially break the time up a little.

It came as no surprise that we managed to talk the whole way there - And for another 2 hours at dinner!!

I love real conversation. I love to get to know people on new levels - often those levels that involve a certain degree of mutual trust.

Quality time can be so rare.

But it's in the quality moments that we can really begin to get to know those with whom we share the journey.

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